Let me first start off by making one thing clear, I love motherhood. I love my kids and I love being their mother. I love my kids more than any thing on God’s green earth and would do anything for them. They are my entire world, my sun and my stars and they will always come before myself or anyone else.
But no one ever tells you about the dark side of motherhood. The side that sits in the back of your mind and comes over you when you least expect it. That little voice that makes you question every move, every word and every little thing you do until you suddenly find yourself feeling like you’re backed into the corner of the ring and life is making gut punches while you struggle to catch your breath.
The little dark side i’m referring to is the D word we like to pretend doesn’t exist. Depression. Postpartum depression to be exact. And whether or not you want to admit it, chances are it affects you too. Yes, i’m talking to you Momma. The mom who finds herself struggling to get out of bed in the morning only to find the dishes piled up or laundry still left in the washer. The mom who pours her heart out for her kids only to realize at the end of the day she can’t feel anything but an ache in the pit of her stomach. The mom who puts her kids down to bed and cries by herself in the bathroom floor because she doesn’t feel worthy of motherhood. We aren’t too far and few between you know.
We all struggle, we all fight our demons every day.
After my first child, i struggled. And I don’t just mean as a mother. I mean as a person. As me, the old Jordan. I became angry, short tempered, emotional and a lot of days I even hated myself. And i’ll be the first to admit, there were days when I questioned why I even became a mom. Why God would put another innocent life in my hands when I felt like I couldn’t handle my own. I became closed off to the world, lost friendships and saw multiple changes in my life that I never expected to come with motherhood.
You see, once you become a mother, the only one who changes is you. Everyone around you pretty much stays the same. They are able to come and go as they please and continue on about their daily life. But as a mom, you are now responsible for yourself and that tiny human. You are with that baby every minute of the day, losing sleep and your hair if i’m honest. Sounds stressful right? You nurture that tiny human and you watch them grow every single day. And every day that passes, your love for them grows more and more. But that little dark side haunts you.
Here I am three years later and I still struggle about 75% of the time. I’m not a perfect mother, nor will I ever be. I have moments where I lose my cool, I yell and I explode on everyone in my path of destruction. Remember when I said I love my kids? Yeah, I love my kids. I do. And I love my husband. But I struggle. I struggle with postpartum depression and i’m finally saying it out loud, on paper and for the world to see. But i’m no longer ashamed of my demons. And you shouldn’t be either. You don’t have to be perfect or even pretend to be, it’s going to be okay.
It’s okay momma. It’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to feel like you aren’t enough. You are enough! You are worthy, you are a strong woman and you’ll get through it. You aren’t alone. Even though you feel like your world is closing in, it’s not. Your kids worship you, even though they tell you you’re the worst mom ever. Your husband needs you even though he sometimes loses his temper and tells you to get a real job. And you are a bad ass woman and no one could do your job better than you. NO ONE!
Don’t feel like you can’t say it out loud. Don’t be embarrassed. Don’t think for one second those instagram moms have their lives all together. Those tiny squares only fit so much. I promise you, we’re all struggling in some way. And we all will get through it.
XO- Jordan Lee
So true!!!! I can speak on this so much!!! It’s so overwhelming, but at the end of the day seeing how calmly those perfect babies are sleeping in bed, makes it all worth it. ?
I love how well you said that!! We can have moments, days and even weeks where we feel not enough!! We also have to remember that doesnt make us any less of a kick ass mom!!! Love how open and raw you are to explain something that I know is so very hard to confront much less open up to the world about!!! Keep it up, you are amazing, and you definitely are worthy!!!
True!!!! This speaks to me so much!!! It’s so overwhelming but at the end of the day, seeing our sweet babies in bed at night sleeping calmly, makes it so worth it ? Every word was spot on!
Well said mama!
I have so much respect for you. You’re brave enough to open up about your struggles and then find the silver lining in it. I really love this blog post ?
Thank you Jordan for sharing something that probably ALL mothers suffer from. Some more than others. Being a mother is HARD and anyone that says different is only lying to theirselves. It seems as if your identity is suddenly mother and the person you were the day before you gave birth is gone. It has nothing to do with loving your children. I think the more you live your children the worse it can be. We as women should take it as our responsibility to pray feverarantly for each other. This is why we should always take time to be with our girlfriends even after children.
Jordan Lee I admire your honesty. So many new Mom’s don’t understand or are afraid to admit that something is off. They try to be superheroes. I am proud of you for writing this very personal blog. Somewhere a Mom has read your story and will realize they are not alone. Remember Jordan you have a loving family here to lean on for support!
You described PD perfectly. I could not ever put into words how it feels, but you did. This made me cry. Thank you for sharing.
Jordan Lee I admire your honesty. So many new Mom’s don’t understand or are afraid to admit that something is off. They try to be superheroes. I am proud of you for writing this very personal blog. Somewhere a Mom has read your story and will realize they are not alone. Remember Jordan you have a loving family here to lean on for support!
Accurate assessment. We are blessed to have you in our family. We are “in your corner. ”
I appreciate you sharing this, beautiful post!